Our records indicate that you have requested your household goods be delivered to a self-storage facility. Please read this information carefully to understand the requirements and liability.
We would like to make sure that you are aware of the requirements associated with delivering your items to a self-storage location. Once the shipment is delivered into the self-storage unit, the shipment is no longer in the carrier’s care, custody, and control. The valuation coverage offered by Atlas Van Lines/Ace Relocation/Mills Van Lines or coverage offered by your assigned insurance provider for any loss or damage to the household goods will end once delivery to the self-storage unit has been completed.
To protect your right to file a claim with Atlas Van Lines/Ace Relocation/Mills Van Lines or coverage offered by your assigned insurance provider, all furniture items and contents of cartons must be inspected during your delivery for any exterior damage. In the rare instance that an item may appear to have transit-related damage or be missing, please notify the driver immediately and notate the damage and/or loss on the Customer Check-Off Sheet or Inventory Form prior to the crew leaving the facility. Failure to note any damage or loss on the delivery documents will result in a claim denial with Atlas Van Lines/Ace Relocation/Mills Van Lines or your assigned insurance provider.
Atlas, Ace Relocation, Mills Van Lines or your assigned insurance provider cannot be held responsible for items that are damaged as you move or re-stack items in the storage unit or relocate them to their final destination. Additional helpful information:
- Shipment consigned to a self-storage facility may require an extra labor charge for re-stacking the goods in the storage unit.
- Make sure that the storage unit that you have leased is large enough for your shipment as additional units may not be available at the time of delivery.
- Many storage facilities are not tractor-trailer accessible which may require the carrier to transfer your goods onto a smaller vehicle for delivery; this is referred to as a shuttle service.
- A good resource for securing a storage facility that will list storage facilities by price, availability, and whether a semi can access this location can be found at sparefoot.com.
- It is recommended that you provide adequate physical protection against damage to your furniture such as cloth wraps, blankets, shrink wrap, etc. The driver will not be able to leave the professional cloth moving pads.
- It is always a good idea to review your coverage options with your own insurance provider to make sure you will have adequate protection moving forward.
- All claims must be filed and inspected prior to moving items again.
- Please make sure any damaged items are placed at the front of the storage unit for ease of inspection.
- PLEASE NOTE that you should NOT repair, replace, or discard any items prior to Atlas/Ace/assigned insurance provider completing its initial inspection and authorizing such action. Repairing, replacing, moving items to another address prior to inspection, or discarding any items prior to the carrier’s verification of your claim invalidates the mover’s liability and may result in your claim being denied.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Should you have any questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to contact your Move Coordinator.